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“Alita: Battle Angel” presents a mixed bag

Robert Rodriguez’s technically exciting film cannot overcome its confusing plot.
“Alita: Battle Angel” presents a mixed bag

Alita: Battle Angel” simultaneously stuns and disappoints. Although it excites with engaging battle sequences, menacing villains and talented actors, its confusing plot and abrupt ending hinder the film from being excellent.


“Alita: Battle Angel” confuses through Rodriguez’s lack of cohesive world creation and story explanation. While the film may be based on the Japanese manga “Gunnm,” it expects the audience to understand the manga’s already established backstory. Many plots are left without further explanation, confusing the viewer as the film progresses. While the plot may not be cohesive, the cast does their best with what they have. Up-and-coming actor Rosa Salazar brings steely charm, and veteran actors Christopher Waltz, Mahershala Ali and Edward Norton anchor the film with commanding screen presences.


While many things about this film are lackluster, the action sequences are enthralling and engaging. Watching the fight scenes between Alita, the “hunter warriors,” and assassins is mind-blowing to say the least, as Rodriguez uses a variety of special effects, slow motion sequences and martial arts to make the film stand out. “The Matrix” defined what it meant to mix those three elements together, and “Alita: Battle Angel” blends them together in its own unique and exciting way.


“Alita: Battle Angel excellently portrays villains with the perfect amount of wickedness. Ed Skrein plays Zarpan, a hunter warrior who is menacing, evil and stone-cold. Meanwhile, Ali portrays Vector, an unpredictable and manipulative villain. Despite this, his character is a puppet, controlled by Norton’s Nova. Norton goes throughout the film without saying a single word, but remains mysterious and sadistic. The film only gives the audience a few glimpses of the villain, while giving them a large look at his amount of power and control.


While abrupt endings can help shock the audiences and force them to think about the film, this film’s abrupt ending only detracts from the film. There are levels when it comes to abrupt endings. “Alita: Battle Angel’s” ending was far too sudden. There are ways to leave the audience hanging with moderate abruption. Although fans never got to see Andrew Garfield’s third Spider-Man film, his second film had the perfect ending. The audience knew that the end was coming soon, they just did not know exactly when it would end. It ends with Spider-Man confronting a new villain and closes before the first punches are thrown. The audience ending for “Alita: Battle Angel,” on the other hand, was random and completely unexpected.

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About the Contributor
Adam Pigott
Adam Pigott, Staff Writer
Adam Pigott is a journalism major set to graduate in the spring of 2021. He enjoys training in martial arts and exploring Los Angeles as well as Orange County in his free time. Hey there! I am a junior journalism major with an emphasis in broadcasting from the beautiful state of Hawaii. I grew up on the Big Island in a small town called Honokaa. I participated in a lot of production-based work in my later years of high school, and I fell in love with telling stories from that point on. My love of stories originally came from my love of movies. I knew that I wanted to tell stories, but for the longest time, I did not know of the best path to take in order to do that. That’s when broadcasting came along. I love telling stories, and Biola has given me the path to do that. Telling stories through a video camera allows viewers to truly experience the story. Viewers get to experience the emotions, pace and mood because it's taking place right on their screen. I love being a part of bringing viewers that experience. I want to expand my horizons by not just becoming a good broadcaster, but also being a good writer. I am blessed to be a part of The Chimes, and I look forward to displaying my work.
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