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Internal proposals abound in senate

Senators harken to four proposals and vote on six proposals.
The Student Government Association logo

Student Government Association voted on proposals from last week, heard from Chief John Ojeisekhoba of Campus Safety and had a presentation about their rebranding process.

Ojeisekhoba shared with senators about safety measures during the Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation.

SGA vice president of community relations Lauren Peterson shared an update on SGA’s rebrand process. Peterson shared images of new logos and apparel. She also discussed mugs for SGA members to serve coffee to students for SGA Day on March 6. She also hopes to have new Go Cardcompanies to announce on that day.


SGA vice president of diversity and inclusion Leilani Bañuelos and diversity and inclusion coordinator Jase Lucas proposed for $2,570 for the National Student Leadership Diversity Convention in Atlanta, Ga. on April 13-14. The money would fund three people: Bañuelos, her successor and Lucas’ successor to receive training. Bañuelos hopes the conference will better prepare the next diversity leaders.

Hope senator Chris Sandino proposed for a bylaw amendment to introduce a parliamentarian position. The parliamentarian would enforce parliamentary procedure based on a version of Robert’s Rules of Order Sandino discussed previously.

Sandino also proposed for $18.50 to buy SGA senior vice president Ella Corey a gavel.

SGA vice president of finance, technology and HR Keaton Kerr proposed for $670.61 to have Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets at voting dorm parties on Feb. 14.


Bañuelos and Lucas requested a same day vote which the senators denied with a vote of 10-1-0.

Biolathon executive director and sophomore cinema and media arts major Sierra Stoltzfus’ proposal passed in the partial amount of $5,000 with a vote of 9-2-0. Senators were hesitant to fund the full amount because of the cost of T-shirts and marketing.

Off-campus and commuter senator Daisy Salazar’s Pizza on the Patio proposal passed in the increased amount of $400. The senators wanted more pizza for the event because of how well it reaches the off-campus community.

The senators voted to have a same day vote on Sandino’s proposal and then passed with a vote of 8-2-1.

Sandino’s gavel proposal was denied with a vote of 9-0-2.

After voting to have a same day vote, Kerr’s proposal passed in the increased amount of $770 with a vote of 11-0-0. Senators wanted Thompson Hall to also have a box of chicken nuggets.

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