A reflection on the past with one foot in the future

It has been a full semester. Mark it well. And remember who holds your life.

Matthew Fier, Writer


There is no other way to put the final punctuation mark on this semesters’ final Chimes issue.

Already in 2009, we have seen some pretty interesting things happen here in the Biola Bubble.

From the Nation Ball controversy, fire drills at 3 a.m. (thanks South Horton Floor 3, just in case anyone wants to leave them any early Christmas presents), proposals, Disneyland and Berry Cool, to the personal tragedies students have had to handle this semester, it’s been a very filled four months of university life.

To the seniors who are leaving, you’ve finally reached the apex of what has hopefully been a wonderful four, or five, in some cases six, years of college life.

There have been countless GYRADs, ring by springs, triumphs and losses, and other memories that have shaped and formed who you are today — and more importantly, how you will affect this world for Christ tomorrow.

Now you are about to enjoy your last Christmas as a college student, and while more than likely you’ve already transitioned into the complete adult life (living in your own apartment/house, no longer on your parents cell phone plan, perhaps even married), you will surely be jettisoned into the “real” world shortly, looking for jobs and to answer God’s calling on your life.

To the underclassman, our journey has just begun and it will take a few unexpected turns and wild leaps of faith along the way –- just ask those ol’ seniors at the top.

While we try to plan the next steps in college, be reminded of what Christ says:

“For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things.” (Matthew 6:32b-33a NKJV)

So as we finish the awkward and extended high school semester and transition into life as growing individuals both in maturity in Christ, remember a few things.

1) Girls, your GYRAD date has a low percentile mark of being your possible husband. Yes according to the statistics, there’s 75 percent more of you than there are of us, but are you really trusting God with this situation? Meeting someone while bowling or kayaking isn’t the only way to measure a man’s heart. So just because he has good lasertag form, it doesn’t mean it’s his destiny to be with you.

2) School is important: it’s probably too late for many to “start strong,” but there is always a chance to push forward. Yes, Cs do get degrees but take advantage of every opportunity you are being given.

3) School isn’t everything: live life, do random things, and enjoy it. Some of my best memories this semester were midnight beach trips down the Costa Mesa highway, or random late nights going to the park or Hollywood. Enjoy life.

4) Finally, God is in control. Proverbs 16:1-3 says “The preparations of the heart belong to man, But the answer of the tongue is from the LORD. All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes, But the LORD weighs the spirits. Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established.” (NKJV)

So as we christen the second semester and let the curtain fall on the first, grab some Starbucks and reflect on the journey –- the ending and the beginning.
And maybe reflect on who you are too, you never know what will happen when you quiet your heart for God to do some work.

Merry Christmas, Biola.

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