Even during finals, health matters

Tis the season to be jolly — well it will be when next week is over.

Kristi Peterson, Writer

Tis the season to be jolly — well it will be when next week is over.

Finals are the biggest week of the semester for students. It is a time of joy in signifying the end of a semester and the beginning of a break and a time of little sleep and fried brains from studying and last minute cramming. This is a time where many students get stressed and sick. Here are some tips for surviving finals.

First, start studying! You have a whole weekend ahead of you to really get to know your stuff. There is no reason to be stressed if you manage your time well, then you can actually learn the material that you are studying instead of just knowing enough to regurgitate on the test and then forget when you hand in your test. Knowledge is power, so take advantage of this opportunity you have. If you start studying now, you can also afford to take breaks. Your brain won’t be so fried if you study over a period of time rather than last minute.

Sleeping is extremely important and available to you -– if you manage your time well. Sleeping re-energizes your body and brain and makes you fresh for the days to come. Your body requires sleep. We were not made for all-nighters. Studies show that at least eight hours of sleep is good for every person, but in reality every person is different. If you need 10 hours of sleep to function, then manage your time well so you are able to get all 10. You will be able to think clearly and function if you get proper sleep.

Another tip is to stay away from fast and fried foods. If you want your brain to perform badly, just put junk food in it. It really shows when you eat badly. It shows in your skin, in your school work and in your body. Healthy foods give your brain the strength and power to function. Proteins are vital. The best rule to follow, especially in times like finals week: if God did not make it, do not eat it.

The point of this article is to remind you of things that you already know because we often forget about our needs during finals. Studying is extremely important, but so are things like eating and sleeping. It is easier to take care of school when we take care of ourselves first.

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