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Hold the swine flu at bay

Swine flu just won’t go away. Here are some tips for keeping it away from your life.

This is old but prevalent news: the swine flu is here. The ordinary flu is a horrible thing to have, but the swine flu not only possesses a more disgusting name, but even worse symptoms.

The swine flu is “a respiratory disease caused by viruses (influenza viruses) that infect the respiratory tract of pigs and result in nasal secretions, a barking-like cough, decreased appetite and listless behavior,” according to But now the illness is more prevalently spread between humans.

It is shown that the swine flu symptoms are similar to regular flu symptoms, which include headaches, fevers, loss of appetite and nausea. If you are feeling like you may have any of these symptoms, make an appointment at the health center so they can examine your case and best help you. In a university setting, it is hard to stay healthy from illnesses because of the close proximity. When one person gets something, most everyone gets it.

The swine flu can be spread in many ways like the regular flu, and it can also be prevented in just as many ways. It is important to get lots of sleep in these times. Weather is changing, tests are here and homework loads are heavy, but maintaining good amounts of sleep each night will act as a natural healer for your body. Just because we are busy and in college does not mean that it is right to get an average of five hours of sleep a night. A restful nights sleep consists of at least eight hours, but each person varies. If you are feeling the least bit sick, try resting it out. It is alright to take a break sometimes.

Eating nutritious and healthy foods is another way of maintaining your immune systems strength. It may seem effective to live life with a coffee cup or energy drink in one hand, but eating fruits, vegetables and proper proteins will give you more energy than any caffeinated beverage could give. Not only are you getting positive energy, but you are also giving your body fuel to stay healthy and absorb information that you take in everyday. Retaining is more important than regurgitating.

Keeping your living space and yourself clean is another helpful tip. Germs spread like wildfires among people because we are always in contact and interacting with one another. We touch thousands of different things everyday and then bring it into our homes to infect our living places. Carrying anti-bacterial soap or hand sanitizer to keep yourself clean will limit risks of being infected and keeping disinfectant wipes around the house or dorm will also. Wiping the commonly used necessities in the living space, such as sinks, toilets, door handles, remote controls, radios, etc. will kill many germs that can be spread through the place.

If you find yourself catching the swine flu, be sure to see a doctor immediately so your recovery can be a speedy one. If you do have it or feel it coming on, rest, eat well, stay hydrated and try to avoid contact with fellow students.

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