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Alumni game starts lacrosse season

The alumni game is a fundraiser for the lacrosse team, which is a Biola club that receives some funding from AS.

Saturday afternoon was cold and windy but the camaraderie between the teams on the field was warm and friendly. Fans, friends and family sat bundled on the bleachers in jackets and blankets as they watched current and former Eagles test their skills on the field.

The alumni game is an annual fundraiser for the lacrosse team. Because of its club status, the team receives some funding from AS but must make of the rest of their money from player dues and fundraisers like the alumni game. All alumni who participated were asked to bring $10 for the team. The turnout was good –- the alumni were able to amass more than a full team. In addition to the game fee, the team was also selling T-shirts, sweatshirts, and other clothing with “Biola Lacrosse” emblazoned across it.

The game was also a good experience for the large number of new players on the team. It was the first game experience for many of the players and a chance for them to get their feet wet and play the sport without worrying about the result of the game going on their season record.

Lacrosse is a violent and fast-paced sport, but despite the rough nature there was still a strong sense of brotherhood between the two teams. Even as they were whacking each other with their crosses, there was still a sense of enjoyment as the two teams bantered and talked smack back and forth, calling out to each other and smacking each other on the helmets. They mingled and talked with one another during half-time.

Although not all of the alumni are as lithe and agile as they once were, they put up a good fight with many of the last year’s seniors showing up to play against those who were their teammates just a season ago. However, the home team usually always wins and this year was no exception. The final score was 15-6, which is encouraging to the current team and bodes well for the coming season.

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