Undeclared a top option for frosh

While most majors are constantly fluctuating in popularity, one option has remained solid: going undeclared.

The popularity of majors among incoming freshman changes each year, and as enrollment for each major fluctuates at the beginning of every fall semester, one non-major has consistently held the top spot: undeclared.

This year, out of the 1151 new Biola students as of the end of August, 166 of them — over 10 percent — have chosen to be undeclared. Over the past six years, based on data given by André Stephens, director of undergraduate admissions, incoming freshman commonly choose to enroll as undeclared instead of immediately deciding on a specific field of study.

“I feel like I’m the only one sometimes,” said freshman Alisha Hansen. “Although, I have gone to the first year seminar, so I know there are at least 25 others.”

Oddly enough, most freshmen entering college as undeclared feel alone, despite the fact that undeclared students make up the largest group. They also report receiving less-than-positive feedback about their decision — or lack thereof.

“I’m fine with it,” said freshman Celiz Aguilar. “But the reaction I get toward it is interesting. It’s almost like its being looked down upon.”

Though some receive these responses, choosing to withold a declaration of a major continues to be the most popular choice over the 33 majors Biola has to offer. Dan Perez, an academic advisor for undeclared students, said uncertainty and a fear of commitment drives this inclanation.

“Some students are uncertain as to what they want to study,” Perez said, “others want to keep their options open, and others feel like they will get stuck in a major that they don’t like.”

While some may think going undeclared isn’t productive in terms of academic success, this is not always the case. Most freshmen have 17 to 19 general education classes to take, regardless of their chosen majors.

“You’re not failing to make progress — don’t be discouraged,” Perez said, addressing freshmen.

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