Record number of students will walk at graduation

A record-breaking number of Biola undergrad, graduate and BOLD students — almost 1,000 in total — will make their way across the stage at spring commencement this year in a ceremony which will include celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Cook School of Intercultural Studies, which started in 1983.

Will Anderson, Writer

A record-breaking number of Biola undergrad, graduate and BOLD students — almost 1,000 in total — will make their way across the stage at spring commencement this year in a ceremony which will include celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Cook School of Intercultural Studies, which started in 1983.

George Verwer, founder of Operation Mobilisation, will speak at the event and be awarded an honorary doctorate of divinity for his mission work across the world, according to Biola’s Web site.

Verwer was a speaker during this year’s Missions Conference where his energy and wit made him a student favorite. One Biola student’s blog described Verwer’s messages as “blunt and challenging — definitely something my generation needs.” Invariably, the Biola community has high expectations for Verwer’s commencement address.

Graduation for graduate and BOLD students will take place on Metzger Lawn at 6 p.m., May 22, and at 9 a.m., May 23 for undergrads. Tickets are not required for admittance. A live Web cast will be available for both ceremonies via Biola’s Web site during the graduations. Commencement DVDs will also be available after graduation.

Thoughts of graduating seniors:

Megan Flower, English major

“Biola has been one of the most amazing blessings God could have ever given to me. I came at a time when things were extremely difficult for my family. I met incredible girls who cried and prayed with me, and a professor who was never afraid to search my heart for the pain that was inside me. Chapel, worship, being able to ask questions, searching the meaning of grace and trust … it has all been an invaluable experience. I will always look back on this experience with a heart that is grateful to have been at a place where I could commune with the Lord freely and without reservation.”

Meleca Consultado, ICS major

“While at Biola, God has truly stretched me in the area of trust: trust is his character, trust in his plans, and trusting that God truly will never leave nor forsake me. I have been challenged to what it means to be a disciple of Christ and the idea that if I want to do anything for the Kingdom, I must have an attitude of humility and have the character of a royal servant of the Lord. And most of all I have been challenged by the question, “Do you really believe that with out Christ people are lost?” and am I really going to share with the hurting world that I am entering into or will I just be silent.”

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