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Keeping the heart pumping during finals

It’s finals week. Once the pressure hits, it’s easy to fall victim to bad habits. All-nighters, late night runs to Del-Taco, skipped breakfast, and abandoned workouts are standard trademarks of a college student’s finals week.

It’s finals week. Once the pressure hits, it’s easy to fall victim to bad habits. All-nighters, late night runs to Del-Taco, skipped breakfast, and abandoned workouts are standard trademarks of a college student’s finals week. Ironically, at the most important – time of the semester, we exchange our good habits for the sake of doing well on our exams and papers. However, it is those good habits that directly contribute to your academic success. Make your health a priority this next week and see how it affects your studies. Here are some things to think about:


Sleep is a time of dynamic activity in which the body is performing functions vital to health and well-being. The National Sleep Foundation offers important information on the – biochemical and physiological processes that occur during quality sleep. These include increased cell productivity, the proper function of memory, attention, complex thought, motor response, emotional control, and maintenance of the immune and endocrine systems.


It is essential to supply your body with healthy meals, snacks, and liquids. Keep your body hydrated and refueled with calories that will result in more energy and increased brainpower. Instead of heading to the vending machine, try to consume foods that are high in protein. Below are some examples:

Food: calories, grams of protein
– Eggs (Two large): 196 14
– Cottage cheese (½ cup): 81 14
– Peanut butter (2 Tbls.): 198 8
– Soy nuts (1oz): 130 12
– Salmon (4 oz): 194 27
– Chicken (4 oz. grilled): 170 32
– Sushi (8 piece): 291 11
– Edamame (½ cup): 120 11
– Yogurt (6 oz): 173 11
– Milk (non-fat 8 oz.): 83 8
– Protein bar: (varies) (varies)
– Protein powder (1 scp): 100 26
– Tofu ( ½ cup): 153 9


For more energy and better concentration, it’s important to fit exercise into your finals week. If you don’t have an hour to spare at the fitness center, here’s a quick workout idea. Simply walk outside of the library to Metzger Lawn and get your heart pumping with this five-minute interval workout.

World’s fastest full body blast:
20 Seconds: Squat thrusts
10 Seconds: Rest
20 Seconds: Mountain climbers
10 Seconds: Rest
20 Seconds: High knees
10 Seconds: Rest
20 Seconds: Jumping jacks
10 Seconds: Rest

Total: 4 minutes

Squat thrusts
Start with hands above your head, squat and place your hands on the ground. Kick the feet back to push-up position, do one push-up, keeping your hands on the ground, jump you feet back and stand up with your hands raised above your head. Do this as fast as you can with controlled form and engaging your core.
Mountain climbers
Push-up position, bring one knee into your chest at a time, alternating as fast as you can. Keep your back nice and flat and your elbows slightly bent.
High knees

Keep the core engaged and stay on the balls of your feet.
Jumping jacks

Pump the arms fast and bring them all the way over your head. Don’t take your time; this is only a four-minute workout blast.

To see this work out on video, check out

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