Does she really like you?

**Q**: “Hey Axel, how can I tell if some girl likes me?” **A**: The main thing you have to look for to find what she thinks about you is her nonverbal communication. If you’re talking at school or out on a date, look for these signs.

Q: “Hey Axel, how can I tell if some girl likes me?”

A: Well, it’s after Valentine’s Day and it’s time you started figuring out what’s going on with this girl you are interested in. Does she really like you? Chances are, if you don’t already know by now and you’ve known her for a little while, you shouldn’t be wondering, but that’s for another article.

The main thing you have to look for to find what she thinks about you is her nonverbal communication. If you’re talking at school or out on a date, look for these signs (these signs aren’t infallible, so use discretion):

1) Take note of her posture. Is she leaning in toward you? Interested in what you’re talking about? Or more laid-back? If she’s leaning in, seems interested in what you’re talking about and is communicating back to you with more than enough attention, the chances are she digs you. Or perhaps she’s just a great listener. If she seems a little more relaxed, or distant in the conversation, take a chill pill and go with the flow.

2) Is she sticking around or lingering when it looks like the conversation could die any second because you two are rambling about nothing? She probably wants you to ask for her number or take some kind of hint, bro. Girls don’t waste their time talking about nothing just for nothing. Remember, if you don’t take the hint the first time, you may not get a second one.

3) Has she gently touched you in any way? Face it guys, some girls can be nice, and girls do give hugs, so don’t trip. But I’m talking about the times when that one girl gives you a slight touch on the shoulder when greeting you, or happens to bump into your shoulder when walking with you. If it doesn’t happen all the time (or maybe it does) with this particular girl, take the hint, bro.

4) Excessive smiling/eye contact/laughing/flirting: Is she smiling when you are speaking to her? Laughing at your not-so-funny jokes? Can you feel the electricity when looking straight into her eyes? (It’s not there all the time, but you should be able to notice when it is.)

5) Stumbling over words. A nervous woman may not be able to speak around you very clearly. And it’s probably because she digs you for some reason or another — but don’t let it get to your head!

Guys, these are awesome ways to know that she may be attracted to you, or at least thinks you are enjoyable to be around. All of which are reasons to pursue her a little further if the feelings are mutual.

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