Surviving the tests of women

**Q**: “So I like this girl, and she may know it. However, I keep getting these funny remarks from her that sometimes sound like she’s making fun of me or just playing around. I can’t figure out what in the world is going on. Any help?”

Q: “So I like this girl, and she may know it. However, I keep getting these funny remarks from her that sometimes sound like she’s making fun of me or just playing around. I can’t figure out what in the world is going on. Any help?”

A: When a girl we like says something to us that could be taken as a little fiery dart or bust on our character, we have some reflection to do. If she’s pretty attractive, she’s probably got 10,000 men vying for her attention. And this leaves only one way for her to sift through them: cut the loose branches, burn them, and forget about ‘em!

The truth of the matter, I have found, is that some women test men. Whether they do it to annoy you, see how you react given certain situations, to see if you are in control of your own world, or as an act of defense from your “coming on” to them, they do it. As you encounter these sometimes annoying comments or confusing remarks and actions from women, it is important to remember a couple of things.

  1. Don’t take it personally. You have completely failed her test if you end up being hurt or reacting in such a way that she sees you get angry or upset.

  2. Be able to recognize when she’s doing it. Chances are, if you hear something from her that sounds out of place or something that may sound like a little dart thrown at you or something you like to do, it could be a test.

  3. Be confident when it comes. When she tests you, she more than likely wants to see how you handle it. Don’t back down or get hurt; embrace it!

  4. Realize it’s only natural for her to do so. Whether she’s trying to sift through all the men who have an interest in her, or she’s trying to see if you can handle a little bit of her giving you a hard time, it’s only natural. They’ve been doing it forever, so get used to it.

How to handle her tests:

  1. Ignore the fact it might’ve been cold, and look for ways to playfully deal with it

  2. If she insults you or something you do because she “doesn’t like it,” continue to do it. It’ll drive her crazy! This creates a fun, attractive way for you to show her that you’re not giving in to her tests, no matter how much she tries!

  3. Always look for the opportunity to flirtatiously put it back in her court: be quick with a witty response and you’ll win points.

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