Holiday Eating Habits, Part II

Here are more tips to help you avoid binging and splurging during the holiday season.

By choosing your indulgences wisely during the holiday season, you can avoid weight gain.

By choosing your indulgences wisely during the holiday season, you can avoid weight gain.

Here are more tips to help you avoid binging and splurging during the holiday season.

STRATEGY: Eyeball sensible food portions so you don’t end up eating too much.

  • Use serving utensils and smaller plates – try a dessert or salad plate for the main course and a smaller spoon to serve yourself. What looks like a normal portion on a large plate or bowl can actually be huge.
  • Pour drinks into skinny, tall glasses instead of wide ones. Studies have shown that people are more likely to pour 30 percent more liquid into squatter cups.

STRATEGY: Squeeze in one or two workouts a week, no matter how busy you are.

  • Break up your workout time. If you don’t have time for a three-mile walk, do a few 15-minute spurts of exercise throughout the day. These short workout spurts can be just as effective as one continuous workout to maintain overall fitness.
  • All the running around you’re doing – cleaning the house, dashing to the post office – can help you maintain your weight. Believing what you’re doing is having a positive effect may lead to subtle changes in your overall health behavior.

STRATEGY: Allow yourself to “cheat” occasionally to avoid feelings of deprivation.

  • Plan in advance to be a little more flexible and eat a little more around this time of the year. If you savor the culinary delights of the holidays, you’ll be less likely to binge.
  • Choose your indulgences wisely. Instead of consuming foods that you can have at any time of the year, choose seasonal delicacies, like your grandma’s eggnog or your mom’s homemade gingerbread cookies.

For more tips on how to eat healthy during the holidays, visit here.

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