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Mike Haley responds to Christian misconceptions (Video)

As part of Biola’s Torrey Conference “Sex and the Soul”, Mike Haley was invited from his ministry, Exodus International, to speak out on the topic of homosexuality. The Chimes Online sat down with Mike Haley to ask him further questions on the topic of homosexuality.
Mike Haley, youth and gender analyst for Focus on the Family, was one of the featured speakers at Biola's Torrey Conference, 'Sex and the Soul'.
Mike Haley, youth and gender analyst for Focus on the Family, was one of the featured speakers at Biola’s Torrey Conference, ‘Sex and the Soul’.

As a part of Biola’s Torrey Conference “Sex and the Soul,” Mike Haley was invited from his ministry, Exodus International, to speak out on the topic of homosexuality. In his two conference sessions, Haley spoke on his past of struggling with homosexuality and how he wants the Church to respond correctly in level perspective.

The Chimes Online sat down with Mike Haley to ask him further questions on the topic of homosexuality. Haley helped to correct our common misconceptions of the topic and encouraged students to reach out to those friends they know struggling with the sin.


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