Summer is a great excuse to eat awesome food, but that wonderful season has come to an end and the ice cream trucks have driven off into the sunset. However, even with the trucks gone, the ice cream has stayed with me, and yet again, it’s time for some self-improvement.
This semester, I decided to take a different approach to regaining my healthy habits. Basically, I am going slower, celebrating tinier victories, having a more positive attitude and making a note to reward myself. Reaching a goal can be very hard, but I recently realized that you can achieve any goal if you show it who’s boss.
Here are a few ways to make your self-improvement hopes reality.
Write out your goals. What do you want to achieve? Push your limits and get out of your comfort zone, but make sure the goals are realistic. I hear people say they want to lose 20 pounds, however most of them give up on pound three because it has taken them three weeks. Chop your goals into tiny sections. Instead of 20 pounds, try one or two pounds a week. Looking at the big picture will only overwhelm you. Take it one day at a time.
Try to combine activities. Similar to shrinking bigger tasks, when you multitask two completely different activities, you are completing them, and more importantly you are not wasting your time. For example, exercising hardcore each time you workout is not necessary. Bring the book you have to read for that quiz and sit on a stationary bike in the gym for half an hour. Set it on manual and peddle away. Not only will you be able to get your reading done, you will have done 30 minutes of exercise otherwise spent at your desk.
Don’t deny yourself what you like. For example, when it comes to eating healthier, let yourself eat what you love, but my goodness, be smart and put that third piece of pizza down. The cafeteria is great because they already use healthy ingredients, however a huge temptation is to load that plate up. Also, there is nothing that will leave you feeling fuller longer than eating slowly.
Feel great about having fun. There is something about getting my list of to-dos done before going out. Not feeling guilty or stressed about a paper due the next day as I go to the beach, Disneyland or the movies is an amazing feeling.
Attitude. Remaining positive is key. Getting down and expecting impossibly quick results will only make you upset. Find a person of support, and honestly share your goals with them. When someone else knows you have a goal, they can keep you accountable. Self-improvement, although an ongoing process, is something that can always be on top of your priority list. Keeping your focus off the big picture and on taking your goals one day at a time will help you the most with your self-improvement goals.
Self-improvement is all about what you put into it and can be a lot of fun. When you finally see what you are capable of attaining your goals, you will feel so much better about yourself and who you are becoming at college. Being the best you can be is something your family wants for you, God wants for you, and I know it is something that you want for you. Get out there, find a buddy, and start today – even if it is something small, you won’t regret it.