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Senators discuss Hurricane Harvey

SGA begins the year with general updates on Biola events.
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The first senate meeting of the semester included the Student Government Association brainstorming ideas to help those affected by Hurricane Harvey, as well as discussing Nationball, a chapel on immigration and what rounds will look like.

Associate dean of residence life and student care Sandy Hough started the discussion on Hurricane Harvey by sharing how this topic has been on her heart. She also noted how Student Development began looking into related details such as how many students from Texas Biola has. The senators discussed having a specified prayer time before chapel, having SGA recommend places students can donate to and partnering with Biola’s sister school Houston Baptist University to arrange care packages for their students.

Assistant director of Student Programming and Activities Lexi Adres came to brief senators on their role for Nationball. All on-campus senators will have tables in their dorm lobbies with wristbands for students after they have completed the waiver online. All off-campus senators will meet by Flour Fountain following the same procedure. Adres also shared how each location will include face paint and fabric for students.

Laura Igram, director of SPA and SGA advisor, shared about next week’s Biola Hour topic of immigration. The speaker plans to share how his church, Mountainside Communion Church, began their Immigration Resource Center. The center provides legal advice for immigrants who hope to become citizens. After the chapel students can attend a brunch in the Andrews Banquet Hall to further discuss the topic.

Senior vice president Ella Corey and the executive board shared several updates, including how senators must go on rounds the first week of every month and SGA Hour will continue the other three weeks. They also discussed the possibility of LimeBike coming on campus, and assigned volunteers to help with club funding September 11-14.

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