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SGA passes two open proposals

After conversations on post-traditional students and a survey, senators vote on proposals.
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Senators participated in discussions about post-traditional students and their Intercultural Development Inventory surveys, and they voted on two open proposals.

Director of online and graduate student success Norlan Hernandez and director of post-traditional admissions Amy Payton explained how their offices help students seek an undergraduate education in a non-traditional way, such as a student being financially independent or having dependents. These students take courses fully online, with each course currently running for seven weeks in the applied psychology field. As a part of the program’s expansion, two more degrees, business management and biblical ministries, will begin in fall 2017, as well as four new emphases at the master’s level.

Hernandez noted how Biola remains a bit behind in getting classes online, but those online have great quality. Payton and Hernandez answered several questions from senators on the topic, including how these students experience community through their class cohorts and in the future through webinars and live streaming of Biola events. They also shared how Biola’s online program stands out from other programs by having the same professors teach their courses as on campus rather than online-only adjunct professors.  

Director of Global Student Programs and Development Stephanie Sanford led a debrief session on the IDI surveys the senators took this semester and at the beginning of last semester to see how they have grown in intercultural competency. Sanford explained how engaging with other people starts with understanding oneself first. Each senator worked on filling out a worksheet on what things they have become more aware about themselves through their time as a leader in the Student Government Association. Senators could circle things such as values, conflict style, stereotypes and ethnicity and then explain what situations they learned these things through. Sanford had senators share their lessons with one other person and then optionally to the group as a whole.  


The Biola Film proposal passed in the full amount of $2,000 with a vote of 13-0-2 despite the senators’ discussion of the large number of film proposals they have received and the cost of the ice cream.

Senators passed the Hackathon proposal in the full amount of $2,390.95 with a vote of 14-0-1 after talking about how the money will fund T-shirts. They also took into consideration their lack of previous involvement with computer science students.

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