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Speech and debate team prepares showcase

Event includes focus on dramatic literature.
courtesy of Tim Milosch
courtesy of Tim Milosch

With the completion of their successful competition season, the Biola speech and debate team will host a small event to showcase several speeches and a debate demonstration on May 2.

While in previous years there have been more speeches and a variety in style, this year the pieces focus on dramatic pieces of literature. The showcase has also transitioned locations, for a more centralized and size fitting location, from Theatre 21 to the Caf Banquet Room.

“This year it’s going to be a smaller event because we have more debaters, a lot more debaters this year than we have individual events,” said Daniel Elliott, director of the speech and debate team. “It’s going to be almost entirely dramatic pieces of literature and then we’re going to have a debate in the middle where we’ll poke fun at ourselves because as we’re debating, debating can often be boring for an audience. We’re going to liven it up and make it more of a debate to entertain.”

The debate demonstration will explore whether or not the United States should increase their military presence in South Korea. The debaters will demonstrate the parliamentary style of debate in which each side has two team members and typically have 20 minutes to prepare, according to debate coach, instructional designer in digital learning and adjunct communication professor Tim Milosch. However, Milosch looks forward to celebrating the speech and debate program as a whole through the showcase.

“I think it’s a really great way to celebrate our program, and to celebrate in a public way in front of the Biola community, and to make them aware because a lot of people aren’t aware that we have not just a speech and debate team but a very successful one as well,” Milosch said.

The showcase also has four speeches, including topics such as the balance of a doctor communicating professionally and with empathy that one’s loved one has passed away and eating disorders from the perspective of an overweight person, according to Elliott.

Elliott also hopes to see the reactions of the audience to the speech and debate team presentation, especially since speech and debate focuses on persuasion.

“An activity like this is about making an impact, and so it’s not just saying something, but having something to say. And so I love to see the reactions of the audience as they hear the stories, as they laugh at the jokes, as they are amazed by the talent,” Elliott said.

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