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Baseball returns renewed, refreshed and ready

Following a missions trip to Mexico, the Biola baseball team bested the Marymount Mariners before their schedule heats up.
Kyle Kohner/THE CHIMES
Kyle Kohner/THE CHIMES

Coming off an impactful weekend of serving in Mexico, the Biola baseball team continued its success with a 15-11 victory against Marymount California University on April 4. The Eagles hope to carry their offensive momentum against Marymount into their remaining Golden State Athletic Conference matchups.

refreshed and with a renewed appreciation

From March 31 to April 2, the team partnered with Southlands Church in Brea, Calif. and laid the concrete foundations of an orphanage near Tijuana, Mexico. Despite their physical labor, the team returned to Biola refreshed and with a renewed appreciation.

“It was awesome and a great experience,” said sophomore second baseman Anj Bourgeois. “It was an eye-opening experience to see the conditions that they live in compared to the conditions that we live in and how lucky and blessed we are to be able to live [and] eat and even play baseball.”

Two days after returning from Mexico, the Eagles outlasted the Mariners as junior starting pitcher Wyatt Haccou improved to 5-2. After Biola scored 12 runs after the first three innings, Marymount significantly cut away at the lead with six runs in the top of the sixth. However, the Eagles scored three more in the bottom of the sixth to defeat the Mariners.

Vital part of the season

With 12 conference matchups left in the season, the Eagles are headed into the toughest part of their schedule. After their upcoming three-game series against San Diego Christian College from April 7-8, Biola faces Menlo College and Vanguard University, ranked first and second respectively in the GSAC.

“We’re about to head into the biggest and most important part of the season,” Bourgeois said. “This is the home stretch and how we do in this time will determine if we make the playoffs, what seed we will get and whether we get a bid into nationals or not.”

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