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Senate passes all proposals

Senators vote on proposals and discuss executive board updates.
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In their last meeting before Thanksgiving, the Student Government Association met to hear executive board updates and vote on three proposals.

The executive board shared how a partnership in future years will occur between the SGA senior vice president and auxiliary services. The relationship will consist of senators filling out a form for auxiliary requests, such as adding amenities like a pool table, which the senior vice president would then discuss monthly with the director of auxiliary services. Senators and facilities management also have a new relationship where senators can fill out a maintenance work order for any floor in their dorm, while students still need to fill out forms for their own room.

In a last update, Katie Davis, Sigma senator, shared how hammocks are almost officially set for installation. Hopefully over interterm after risk management approves the plan, facilities management will put in test-run types of structures in three locations across campus. Students can then rent hammocks from SGA or bring their own to place on the poles.

Davis also mentioned how therapy dogs hosted by the library will not make an appearance this semester because the library staff has not heard back from any of the organizations they emailed.


The Shotgun Magazine proposal passed in the partial amount of $1,500 with a vote of 10-4-1. The proposal did not receive the full funding because senators felt they asked for too many copies.

The hosting of the Biola Film “Suburban Odyssey” premiere was passed in the partial amount of $1,150 with a vote of 12-3-0 in a second round of voting. The first motion for the partial amount of $1,500 was denied with a vote of 7-8-0. Both motions were for less money due to the large amount of money requested for food.

Davis’ proposals for a petting zoo passed in the full amount of $370 with a vote of 14-0-1.

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