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Senators prepare for an engaging year

SGA discusses an upcoming CCT conference and the need for an awareness of stereotyping.
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In the first Student Government Association senate meeting of the school year, senators assembled to learn how to better interact with their constituents.

Evan Rosa, assistant director of the Center for Christian Thought, discussed an upcoming event as well as the role of the CCT. This year's Table Conference theme shall discuss love and humility in politics. Rosa desires the conference will inspire Christians to have the chance to act lovingly and calmly in a season of confusion. The conference ranges from short talks to breakout sessions on September 16 and 17 in Calvary Chapel, with an entrance fee of $9 for students, $49 for general admission and $99 for VIP access.

Rosa noted the CCT’s roles as supporting Christian scholars and the church. However, Rosa and the senators also brought up the need for more communication between the center and students to hear their needs and cares.

Ali Fryer, North Horton senator, presented on gender stereotypes and ambivalent sexism for senators to work better with their constituents. Fryer focused on the stereotypes of men and women and the effects these stereotypes have on each person as well as their interactions with people. One of the challenges in this process includes learning to think before believing stereotypes and becoming self-aware of the perceptions placed on others. As the senators use this information in their jobs, Fryer recommended that they be open in receiving different types of feedback from all students.

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