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Senate considers position payment

Senators discuss whether diversity coordinator position should be on payroll.
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Senators further discussed the additional Multi-Ethnic Programs and Development funding and decided for the upcoming year to committ $10,000 from this year’s contingency to be put toward affinity groups, on top of approximately $20,000 that is already budgeted. The senate also discussed whether the new diversity coordinator position should be paid or unpaid. The general consensus is the position should be paid for five hours per week, though this topic is still open for further consideration.

Next week, April 14, senate will be held in Andrews Banquet Hall. From 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. President Barry Corey will be present for questions and answers and all students are welcome to attend. Voting for the Student Union Building renovation will also occur at this meeting.


Freshman cinema and media arts major Sophia Nordell proposed for $1,500 for the Biola Film Festival. It is set to be held on Friday April 15, with film screenings beginning at 12:30 p.m., a mixer for students, faculty and alumni and an award show. While the screening and mixer are free, the award show costs $5, funding which will be saved for the event next year. Funding from SGA would go towards decorations, catering and event services.

Hart Senator Jacob Keeth proposed for $19,000 for Student Union Building renovations. Since SGA oversees the building and is responsible for its upkeep, Keeth intends for funds to go toward new painting, lighting, tables, chairs and other items to redesign the open areas of the SUB. The total amount for the items with tax is $19,134.84. There is an existing SUB maintenance budget of $2,500 that will be used toward the amount but there is also a buffer of $2,365.17 to put toward advertising, facilities and delivery fees. With all this taken into account, the total remains at $19,000 taken from contingency.


The proposal for the Biola Film Festival passed in the partial amount of $1,100 in a same day vote of 14-0-1.

The proposal from the meeting on March 24 for the iPad discrepancy was passed in the full amount of $815.25 in a vote of 13-1-1.

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