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Four of five proposals pass

SGA stands firm in their role and decision not to fund events directly tied to specific departments.
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The meeting began as Raquel Pena, senior psychology major who has opened and operated four markets with a total of 200 vendors, came in to the senate to discuss the possibility of Biola hosting a farmers market. It would likely be along Biola Ave. due to space and campus closure, but would have around 80 vendors, depending on how often it is hosted. Vendors would include local farms, food and craft artisans. There is a possibility the event could be weekly but will most likely happen once a semester due to its magnitude.

After Multi-Ethnic Programming and Development previously presented information about their department shifting, senate began discussing whether they will continue to fund MEPD at the current amount of approximately $20,000 or give them an increased amount in future years. Currently, the senate looks to use $10,000 from contingency for next year in addition to the budgeted amount. If it goes well and remains financially feasible, it would then be placed in the budget.

Senators shared information from their President’s Action Council partnerships. Due to the change from NAIA to NCAA Division II, the gym will be busier since Biola will be required to provide a space for visiting teams to practice. Therefore, there will be less space for other events on campus to be hosted in the gym. An event center is part of the long term master plan for construction but there is currently not enough funding for it since all efforts are going into the science center. An event center would likely not be built for five or 10 more years.

Senate is also looking into the details for redecorating the Student Union Building. While no construction will be done, they are researching the costs of new tables and chairs, among other things, in order to make the SUB more inviting. A proposal will likely be given in mid-April.


Samantha Miller, SGA communications coordinator, proposed for $815.25 to cover a discrepancy in the funding of 15 iPad Minis the senate previously passed. Though a discount factored into the original funding, it was not a discount applicable to that many iPads.


The proposal for funding “The Eastern Wood” premiere passed in the full amount of $2,750 in a vote of 8-1-6.

Funding for the Media Martinelli Mixer was denied in a unanimous vote. The senate felt this would not be appropriate for them to fund since it was planned by and for specific departments.

The proposal of $500 for the “Touring” premiere was passed in the full amount of $500 in a unanimous vote.

The $1,050 proposal for Trivia Nights at Eagle’s Nest was passed in the full amount in a vote of 14-0-1.

Funding for Heat of the Night was passed in partial amount of $4,100, $400 less that the proposed amount of $4,500, in a vote of 12-1-2.

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