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Seven proposals passed

The senate passed one constitutional amendment, one internal proposal and five student initiatives.
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Before proposals and voting, president Taylor Stribbling explained that, beginning in fall 2016, Jessica Snow, president of Student Government Association, will have the opportunity to go to President’s Administrative Council meetings she deems relevant to SGA’s work. This is a relationship that SGA plans to continue in further years.


Senior vice president Drew Mattocks proposed for amendments to the SGA constitution to change the structuring of diversity positions. Article IV section will be added for the position of “Vice President of Diversity Inclusion.” Article IV section will be removed since it states the senior vice president oversees the diversity liaison. Article IV section VI.i to VI.viii will be added to explain the role of diversity inclusion vice president, which includes his or her responsibilities to represent diversity awareness within the senate. Article X will be renamed “Diversity and Inclusion Branch.” It will include six sections to explain the purpose, function and responsibilities of the new branch. Articles X, XI and the mislabeled X to XIV will be numbered XI to XVIII.


The senate held a same-day vote for the constitutional amendments since hiring for the new VP of diversity inclusion position will be held before March 17, the next senate meeting. The amendments passed unanimously.

Samuel Jackson, vice president of marketing and communications, proposed last week for $10,000 for a student scholarship program, which passed in full in a unanimous vote.

South Horton resident advisor and junior Christian ministries major Philip Breaux’s proposal for Mosaic Masquerade for $6,181.77 passed in the partial amount of $6,000 in a vote of 13-2-0.

Common Grounds shift supervisor and senior communications major Gavin Sweeney’s proposal for $546 passed in the full amount in a unanimous vote.

Stewart RA and senior marketing management major Alicia Hoverson’s proposal for $3,000 to host a StewBQ passed in the partial amount of $2,200 in a vote of 10-5-0. A major concern senators shared was that due to the event being on a Friday afternoon on lower campus, the estimate of 500 attendees was possibly too high.

The Shed the Shame event proposed by Kayla Bumpass, Alpha East RA and senior intercultural studies major, passed in the full amount of $470 in a vote of 13-1-1.

Hart senator Jacob Keeth’s proposed $142 for a survey incentive prize passed in the increase amount of $284 in a vote of 12-2-1. The larger amount of money was chosen so two speakers can be purchased for use as an incentive.

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