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Heat Speaks fires up crowd

Residents from Hart Hall’s mixed media art collective kindles votes at Punk ‘n’ Pie 2015.
Marika Adamopoulos/THE HCIMES
Marika Adamopoulos/THE HCIMES

After the presentation of 10 different acts, Heat Speaks won the first place title and $500 in Punk ‘N’ Pie 2015 on Oct. 23. Following them, Peter Ingraham, senior marketing management major, won $300 for second place, and NotBach, consisting of Justin Sinclair, junior music major, and Jessica Stein, junior music performance major, won $100 for third place.


“The art spoke for itself, and I think that’s all that needs to be said,” said Nolan Anderson, senior cinema and media arts major and alto saxophone player for Heat Speaks.

Heat Speaks is comprised of Anderson, Michael Grieb, senior psychology major, Jacob Lucca, senior art major, Brendan Ashley, junior english major, and Cary Santana, junior music performance major. The team performed in Hart’s talent show last year, and sharpened their act for this year’s show.


Hosting the event on McNally Field was a well-considered decision by the Student Programming and Activities committee. Shaylynn Knuppe, senior psychology major and SPA special events coordinator, organized this, as well as last, year’s Punk ‘N’ Pie. The success of the venue surprised event planners and students.

“I think it went amazing, I was shocked by all the audience reactions, people loved it, so I’m really happy with how it came out,” Knuppe said.

Students were pleased with Punk ‘N’ Pie’s new location as opposed to Chase Gymnasium where previous Punk ‘N’ Pies were hosted. Lauren Peterson, sophomore public relations major, prefers being outside rather than being in the gym.

“I love being outside. It was such a great time and I like it a lot better than being in the gym. The gym gets so hot and it’s so fun to be outside with everyone,” Peterson said.


Matthew Weathers, applied instructional technology administrator, Stephanie Sanford, director of Global Student Programs and Development, and Chris Grace, professor of psychology and director of the Center for Marriage and Relationships, were three surprise judges who chose five finalists from 10 different acts.

“Some were really obvious, but they’re all so good it was hard to choose. In the end we felt like there were five that stood out, though, so we were happy to help out,” Weathers said.

All the acts were aware of the tough competition and acknowledged that the other talents involved were highly skilled.

“I think everyone literally blew my mind, I wasn’t expecting such an incredible show. Mind-blowing,” Sinclair said.

At the end of the night, attendees went to Lot C to enjoy pumpkin pie and hot apple cider provided by Bon Appetit. It was a fitting ending to this year’s mix of various student talents.

“Thanksgiving has been served,” Ashley said.

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