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Senate approves next year’s SGA budget

Senators vote on the department budgets for the upcoming fall semester.
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES

The last Associated Students meeting consisted of voting on 2015 fall Student Government Association budget.

The total budget passed for SGA for the fall 2015 semester is $76,054.

The SGA general budget was unanimously passed in full for $19,000. This amount has increased from the original amount proposed at last week’s meeting since more money was allocated to the diversity liaison for the Diversity Summit and Ethnic Dinner.

The full amount of $43,275 for payroll budget was passed unanimously.

The marketing and communications budget was passed in full for $5,279 by a unanimous vote. This amount increased $1,704 from the original proposal since there were funds that had not yet been allocated. They will be used by the department for a new camera and updated software such as Photoshop. While this was passed for the SGA marketing and communications budget, the technology will also be used by the Student Programming Association.

The senate budget was unanimously passed in full for $4,900. This amount increased from the proposed amount due to a change in discretionary funding.

The plant assets budget was unanimously passed in full for $3,600.


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