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AS gears up for upcoming events

With Mock Rock and the Ace Hotel concert fast approaching, senators evaluate additional funding proposals from fellow staffers.
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES

This week’s AS senate meeting began with a mock senate with next year’s SGA senators. Afterward, this year’s senators visited the Heritage Cafe and sampled the juice, acai bowls and Starbucks drinks being served in the Cafe before it opened on March 17.


Mark Nesbitt, music and arts coordinator, proposed $2,200 of extra funds in preparation for this year’s Mock Rock. The funds would go towards complimentary Chipotle catering for facilities workers and to University Communications and Marketing for editing recap videos of the performances.

Tyler Hormel, AS President, proposed $2,000 to fund the food and coffee for a student after-party following the Ace Hotel concert on May 9. If passed, the food will include free catered food truck style dishes, as well as coffee from Mitchell Canyon Coffee.


Hormel’s proposal will be voted on in next week’s senate meeting.

Nesbitt’s Mock Rock proposal passed unanimously for the full amount of $2,200.

Hormel’s proposal from last week’s senate meeting for three buses to offer free rides to students to the Ace Hotel concert was passed unanimously for the full amount of $2,842.84.

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