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Associated Students optimistic about senate elections

Despite the past lack of interest in senate positions, Associated Students feels certain that the changes made to the election timing will help attract more students.
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Photo courtesy of unknown

During last year's Associated Student senate elections, only 57 percent of the positions were filled by the end of the campaign. This year, however, AS anticipates that percentage to increase due to the setting of senatorial elections after the conclusion of the SGA Presidential campaigning. By separating the dates of the two elections, students can now focus solely on the senate election process and what the position entails. In addition, the selection will take place after RAs and SOS leaders have been chosen, giving those who were not selected another avenue of involvement in Biola's student body.

“All the people who still have a passion for leadership and who have great characteristics, who still want to serve Biola’s campus and have a great passion for Jesus and for the students, can still apply for senator,” said Becky Gallacher, senior communication studies major and vice president of Administrative Services. “This is the first year we’ve ever tried this. We’re really hoping that it will get more people.”


However, the issue voters have does not seem to be about when the elections are, but more what a senator’s job entails.

“I know they’re working for the community, but that’s pretty much all I know,” said freshman Jessica Reynolds.  

The problem is not solely in when the elections are, but rather a lack of knowledge regarding the position.

“Besides that I know they post the signs in the restrooms,” said Esther Diaz, freshman political science major. “I don’t know what else they do.”

The newsletter aspect of the job is what senators seem to be most known for.

“That’s what I’m famous for,” joked South Horton’s senator Samantha Miller, a sophomore public relations major.

However, much of the work senators put in is behind the scenes.

“There’s so many other facets to the job,” Miller said. “I go to a ton of meetings every week.”

Other than the weekly senate meeting, each senator partners up with members of Biola’s Presidential Administrative Council to serve as a bridge between faculty and students. In addition, the senators assist students who have proposal ideas for student initiatives.

“They can come talk to me and either propose for the funds themselves or I can help by taking the idea to another department,” Miller said.

Gallacher urged students to take advantage of their current senator.

“You get to be blunt and honest with them, and they’ll actually do something with that information,” Gallacher said.

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