You do not often hear the phrase “reading for fun” on college campuses. Between the taxing amount of material read for classes and the endless extracurriculars we sign up for, there may not always be time to delve into a book. Our busy generation tends to associate reading with schoolwork. In school we were all required to read a book that did not exactly vibe with us. It may have been a cultural classic that was translated from another language making it tough to follow. Along the journey of growing up, most of us developed a stigma toward books.
As we matured, we were introduced to classic literature and subtly instructed to leave children’s books behind. “Harry Potter” and contemporary fiction were not considered viable choices for book reports. Teachers made the books we gravitated toward off-limits. This turned reading into a chore until the rapid increase in the popularity of the young adult book genre.
Hollywood began churning out film adaptation after film adaptation of YA books. After watching enticing movies such as “The Hunger Games” or “The Fault in Our Stars,”, more people read novels that inspired the films. Our generation responds positively to these films. We eagerly anticipate the sequel, even camping outside of theaters to catch a midnight showing.
Despite the popularity of the content, the YA genre still carries an unwarranted reputation of not being “real literature.” While young adult books may not always offer life-changing knowledge, books from the genre take the reader on a journey by using fantastical imagery and characters. We can relate to the characters and learn from the adults who penned the stories. These books offer us insight into the lives and experiences gathered throughout the author’s lifetime.
Young adult books enlighten the reader in the same way classic fiction does. Not time consuming, the book’s length, font size and spacing make for quick, easy reads. College students who do not have the time to finish a lengthy, classic novel should check out a YA novel. This genre makes reading fun again and allows the reader to finish a story without putting the book down for an extended period of time and forgetting where they left off.
Reading offers an escape from the mundane tasks of everyday life. College students should pick up a book to give their eyes a break from endless hours spent staring at a screen. People do not always have to read for the purpose of gaining insight into past cultures or for exposure to new words. Reading should be viewed as pure entertainment during a busy semester when students need a break from trying to decipher complicated texts and lecture notes. College students should read young adult novels and enjoy them, without feeling discredited in their choices.