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Run down

Students chase off-campus trespassers after attempted theft.
Campus Safety Chief John Ojeisekhoba and his crew of officers put on equipment in preparation for the active shooter drill held on Wednesday, August 14. The drill coordinated with SWAT and the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department to prepare officers for any situation. The increased security in chapel is part of Ojeisekhoba's plan to make Biola as safe as possible. | Courtesy of Campus Safety
Campus Safety Chief John Ojeisekhoba and his crew of officers put on equipment in preparation for the active shooter drill held on Wednesday, August 14. The drill coordinated with SWAT and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department to prepare officers for any situation. The increased security in chapel is part of Ojeisekhoba’s plan to make Biola as safe as possible. | Courtesy of Campus Safety

Campus Safety arrested an off-campus visitor for attempted theft and trespassing on Friday evening. A Campus Safety officer detained the individual in parking lot L across from Alpha dormitory after two suspects attempted to steal a wallet from an another off-campus visitor, said Campus Safety Chief John Ojeisekhoba.

Two students and three visitors were playing pool in the SUB when the two individuals stole the wallet that was lying unattended. When students approached the suspects, they dropped the wallet and ran. The students called Campus Safety and pursued the suspects across campus until the individual was arrested by a Campus Safety officer.

Campus Safety coordinated a search with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department for the second individual. After a campus-wide search, LASD determined that the suspect fled off-campus. The arrested suspect was turned over to LASD and the second individual has not been found.

Students should inform Campus Safety first of suspicious individuals on campus or instances involving on theft, Ojeisekhoba said.

“If a student takes all precautions and someone still took their wallet or took their belonging, do not chase after them,” Ojeisekhoba said. “My advice is that if there is anyone suspicious around, just call us and let us know their last known direction and we’ll take it from there.”

The university will press charges for petty theft and trespassing, Ojeisekhoba said.

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