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Student proposals reach $20,000

AS open proposal day includes high-cost student initiatives.
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES

Updated: Nov. 20 at 8:02 p.m.

This week’s Associated Students senate meeting began with a discussion of student concerns and ideas for the university. Senators received this input from students as they made their dorm rounds. Some of the ideas presented included creating integration-style seminars for lower-level Bible classes, lowering the number of required P.E. credits, setting aside a few group study rooms in the library for group project reservation and creating more scholarships specifically for international students.

Guest speakers Adam Morris, vice president of university advancement, and Kira McCracken, assistant director of advancement communications, spoke on Biola’s current fundraising campaign that looks to accomplish funding for four specific areas — improving student affordability, providing facilities that inspire learning, influencing the world of ideas and extending Biola’s global reach.


Shaylynn Knuppe, junior psychology major and AS social events coordinator, proposed for leftover Punk n’ pie and Splash! event funds to go towards purchasing fifty “Wicked” musical tickets for Biola Live. Each ticket costs $72.50. After purchase by AS, these tickets would become available to students to purchase for the cost of $30 a ticket. The requested amount came to $2,531.52.

Heather Hurlock and Summer McMaster, both senior accounting majors, proposed funding in the amount of $4,560 to put on Woven Conference, a seminar designed to educate women on how to integrate home and work life and what it looks like to live, particularly in business, in a predominantly male-run world.

Junior sociology major Rudy Ortiz and junior biblical and theological studies major Jackson Theune, both Hart residents, proposed $6,000 in funding for Deck the Haven, Hart Hall’s annual Christmas party, for lights, advertising, food and other design materials.

Senior cinema and media arts major Josh Nelson proposed funding in the amount of $700 for a Biola “speed dating” event. The proposed event would begin with a lecture on Christian relationships and end with attendees pairing up to ask each other questions regarding what relationships look like in a Christian environment.

Sophomore christian ministries major Christina Feller proposed funding for a conference for women on their identity in Christ. The proposed conference would take place on Feb. 7. Their proposal came to the amount of $6,000.

Sophomore sociology major Olivia Ramzi proposed funding in the amount of $1,100 for a Super Bowl party. The amount will cover food costs for the event. Olivia Ramzi also proposed for a student leadership event, which would be open to student leaders on campus, for the amount of $1,100.


Senators passed Knuppe’s proposal for “Wicked” musical tickets for its full amount. All other proposals will be voted during next week’s Senate meeting.


Fifteen spots are available for a Point Doom rock climbing excursion scheduled for Dec. 5-6 that will be hosted by resident directors Garrett Suhr and Andrew Rae. A $5 deposit payable to the AS office is required to sign up for the rock climbing excursion.

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