Dollar Theater Movie Reviews

Movie reviews of films currently playing at the dollar theater.

Drew Mattocks, Writer


While apple pie and baseball might make a good outing, going to the movies is one of the great unsung American pastimes. The only problem are the outrageous prices at the big screens. The La Mirada Dollar Theater might not have the newest releases, but tickets are only three dollars. While it might be hard to decide on a movie, the ticket price is something we can all agree on.

22 Jump Street – Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill bring their crime fighting skills to a college campus. They play off of each other well and with supporting characters such as Nick Offerman and Ice Cube, this movie is a hit. this movie makes a great choice for those seeking comedy and action all in one. (4/5)

How to Train Your Dragon 2 – Dreamworks does it again. They made the dragons bigger, the battles more intense, and the laughs louder. This sequel brings in backstory and makes you care about the characters. It easily ranks as one of the best animated films of the year. (5/5)

Maleficent – While not Angelina Jolie’s best movie, it makes a solid film. It gives a great twist on a story we thought we knew. It turns the tale of Sleeping Beauty on its head. While not great by any means, it is definitely worth the time and money. (3/5)

Transformers Age of Extinction – Michael Bay returns with surprise and more explosions. While Mark Wahlberg might be the new star of the movies, he is not enough to make this movie great.  The lack of any engaging story makes this movie a flop. (1.5/5)

America – Dinesh D’Souza takes a look at America and its history. Unfortunately this is not a movie but rather a presentation of a one-sided view of history that is conspiracy-filled and not worth the time. (1/5)

Get On Up – This wonderful biopic about James Brown confronts racial and family tensions . it follows James as he tries to succeed in a society that was against him. This movie warms and breaks the heart all at once. (4/5)

Sex Tape –Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz disappoint in a movie that was doomed to fail from the start. There are too many raunchy moments and not enough funny ones. Do yourself a favor and skip this movie. (1.5/2)

The Fault in Our Stars – Some movies tug at our hearts and hold on for days. The Fault In Our Stars is one of them. This movie takes a rough subject and turns it into something truly beautiful. Books based on movies do not always turn out well, but this one takes the cake. (5/5)

The Purge: Anarchy – The purge returns with a whole new twist. While this movie might not be for the faint of heart, it does deliver on thrilling violence and unexpected plot turns. If you enjoy dark thriller movies, this movie is for you. (2.5/5)


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