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AS Senate Rundown: Feb. 20, 2014

This week’s AS senate meeting presented the first open proposal day of the semester.
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES

This week’s Associated Students senate meeting was the first open proposal day of the semester.


The first proposal of the day was from AJ Shaffer, senior business major, and Hillary Olsen, senior psychology major, for a student leadership dinner on behalf of Chapel Programs. The proposed amount of $735 would cover the cost of pizza and utensils. The proposers said the dinner would be open to all student leaders on campus and would hopefully become an annual event.

Next, the senate heard a proposal from Emerson senator Drew Mattocks and the Emerson resident staff for an outdoor film festival. The festival would consist of several short films submitted by students. The proposed amount of $800 would cover the cost of food, decorations and advertisements.

“We want campus to experience a little bit of Emerson’s culture before it closes,” said Josh Wilson, junior kinesiology major and Emerson RA.

The next proposal was from Zachary Fu, senior journalism major, and Kevin Botka, junior cinema and media arts major, who proposed for funding of The Bells, a satire news website. The requested amount of $700 will cover the cost of staff shirts, promotions and events.

Next, the senate heard a proposal from Jeannie Choi, sophomore human biology major, to promote awareness for World Water Day. This event will be held on March 21 and will attempt to educate students about the international water crisis. The requested amount of $507 will pay for various promotional materials such as posters and temporary tattoos.

The next proposal was from senior cinema and media arts majors Annaleise Franklin, Aaron Howard and JJ Carroll for fundraising events for this semester’s Biola film, “Kyle and Captain Courage.” The proposed fundraising events include a Rich Kids comedy show, a dance party and a battle of the bands. The profit of these events will go towards helping produce the film. The proposed amount of $2,500 will pay for all the necessary supplies to produce the events.

Next, senior cinema and media arts major Samantha Thomas proposed for funding of a Golden Globe themed event called the Biola Oscars. The event will feature nominated student films and host a dinner for attendees. The requested amount of $2,700 will pay for decorations and Bon Appetit catering.

Voting on all the proposals will occur next week.

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