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AS Senate Rundown: Dec. 12, 2013

Constitutional amendments and intramural referee uniforms make their way into the last Senate Rundown of the year.
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES

The last AS Senate meeting of the semester began with a few adjustments to the spring budget proposal presented at last week’s meeting, including an increase to the amount budgeted for intramural staff uniforms.


President Evan Tan made another constitutional amendment requiring the executive leaders of AS to have a minimum grade point average of 3.0. This amendment will also require coordinators and senators to have a minimum GPA of 2.5 and all other members of AS to have a minimum GPA of 2.0. If any members fail to meet these GPA requirements, they will be removed. The second part of the amendment requires members of AS to hold a certain class standing relative to the specific position. For example, AS president and senior vice president are required to have completed three college semesters, and senators must have completed at least one college semester.


After much discussion, the senate voted to pass each category of the spring budget in the total amount of $260,943.

The senate passed Tan’s constitutional amendment proposal in a same-day vote. 

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