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Political Party: NObamacare

Allison Curtin and Madeline Melendez discuss how Obamacare will not effectively accomplish its purpose.
Melanie Kim/THE CHIMES
Melanie Kim/THE CHIMES

Obamacare will not effectively accomplish its purpose. Obamacare is flawed because of the lack of interest among healthy 18-30 year olds. The health insurance relies on the premiums of its sign-ups, especially those who are healthy and in less need of medical care, to help the elderly and sickly in their medical care. Once word of this gets out, subscribers with pre-existing conditions and present need for medical care — those whom private insurance policies would not previously accept due to high risk of costs — will rush to sign up for Obamacare.


Young, healthy individuals are hesitant to sign up for more expensive health care, even if it offers more benefits on the whole, because they don’t currently need those benefits. Having high risk patients who pay less than the healthy individuals will undermine the insurance system and bankrupt the program, resulting in a lack of premium payments to support the needs of the elderly and sick within Obamacare. The government estimates it needs 40 percent of sign-ups within the first year of Obamacare’s launch to be young and healthy in order to keep the premiums low enough to make the system financially effective, says John Ydstie.

The government will require every citizen to purchase basic health insurance or pay a fine of $695 each year, regardless of income. This removes the private citizen’s freedom of choice when it comes to their finances and personal health decisions. The cost of Obamacare will also burden taxpayers. A dramatic expense increase will be a problem because of the economic problems this country is currently experiencing.

Additionally, the elderly are negatively affected by Obamacare due to the dramatic change of their benefits, the economic impact and more. Under Obamacare, electing a treatment for a specific condition will not be a decision made solely by a doctor and patient. The government will decide what treatment will be the most “effective” and take into consideration the patient’s age and health history.

The elderly are being largely affected because government officials decide when to stop treating them. Elders that are depending on Medicare for medications and treatments could be denied coverage for their treatments.


Time will only exacerbate the law’s financial standing because insurance companies’ policies outside of the Obamacare exchange will draw a younger, healthier demographic into policies that provide less coverage and premium needs. Obamacare will not work with time because of the lack of buy-in from the younger, healthier population. The premiums that support the pre-existing conditions of the elderly and ill-encompassed will not support the program. Obamacare will not ultimately work effectively because it causes more problems than it fixes.

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