Despite the Affordable Care Act’s early faults, it will effectively work as time progresses. All things need time to work as planned, and Obamacare is no different. President Barack Obama and his staff acknowledge the issues and are not ignoring them.
What is Obamacare?
Obamacare is ultimately designed to increase “availability and affordability of private and public health insurance to 44 million uninsured” according to Additionally, it is supposed to limit the amount of health care spending in the U.S. Starting January 2014, it will be mandatory to purchase health care or pay a fee for declining. The idea behind the ACA is that those who cannot afford health care will have an opportunity to purchase it, and those who already have health care will gain new benefits and protections from insurance companies. Companies will have to operate in fairness, giving everyone a chance to purchase a health care plan.
As the U.S. shifts to the ACA, people will begin to experience the benefits offered to them. Down the road, the increase in taxes will translate into the law working as it is designed to. Given time to accumulate, the money will effectively be put to covering the cost of benefits. The act simply needs time to get into full swing, but that is expected with any type of plan reform.
Problems and Solutions
However, there have been some issues with the implementation of the law. The website to sign up for the health care program constantly crashes, creating a frustrating experience for the people attempting to sign up for the plan.
Recently, thousands of people have lost their current health care plans, in spite of the fact that the President said they would be able to keep them. The Democratic Party recognizes these issues and promises to work on them. The President has said he will “make sure that this law works for every person in this country” according to the LA Times. What’s required is patience.
Regarding the faulty website, President Obama has said, “There’s still time to get the website up and running and get people enrolled. It’s not like this is a one-day sale." The fact that thousands have lost their health care should not be taken lightly. However, we should not assume there is no way to fix the problems within Obamacare. Healthcare reform is extremely necessary, but also very complex. Of course there will be issues, but there should be a grace period to allow the kinks to work out in order for it to do what it is supposed to do.