We mustache you a question: To beard, or not to beard? Terrible puns aside, we can get to the very serious issue at hand: No-Shave November.
At some of our high schools, facial hair was a big no-no. The rule against mustaches and beards stemmed from the argument many Christian school kids have heard since their first day of high school: it doesn’t look presentable. Beyond high schools, the issue of facial hair has been debated in the church even in the days of Clement of Alexandria in 195 AD. Through the centuries, the church has taken vehement stances for and against the presence of facial hair for a number of reasons. So where do we stand on the cast of Duck Dynasty’s most dominant facial feature? And why should we care if the men of Biola participate in the “most manly month” of the year?
This is not for everyone
No-Shave November is not for everyone. Some bold women choose to participate to make a statement about the cultural pressure to have hairless legs. That may not be your thing — keep living as you normally would.
As for the men, make sure you have the ability to grow more than just a scraggly mess. Women more often than not are attracted to a clean shave or a confident, well-kept five o’clock shadow. Somehow, we are more drawn to the men who appear to be employed rather than those who seem to have just returned from the 40-year exile on an island. So know yourself before flaunting your stubble to the campus.
For those who can grow a caveman-like beard overnight, make sure to double check your facial hair after mealtimes because there may be possible leftovers lost in the hairy tangle. While you may enjoy your “flavor savor,” others may not understand the thrill of discovering day-old mac-and-cheese and enjoying a midnight snack. Let’s face it: Unless you are Mumford or one of his sons, think twice before putting away your razor this month.
Grow a beard, young man
Also, men, keep in mind some of the positive things that come with partaking in No-Shave November. First, you will be entering the company of great Biolans: R.A. Torrey, T.C. Horton and Lyman Stewart to name a few. However, you will not instantly be joining their ranks because, remember, growing facial hair as luscious as Horton’s mustache is an art that takes time.
Another reason to participate is because college offers freedom from mothers nagging their sons to avoid the “unemployed” look. As much as you love your mom, this is your time to shine. You need to see if you can even grow decent facial hair! Have your fun, and on December 1, Lord willing, you will shave your scruff. Plus, think of that extra few minutes you will have every morning to lay in bed — time you may have spent shaving. Sure, this is not necessarily a right of passage into manhood, but it is a fun challenge and could be a story you someday tell your children about why you have a magnificent beard or mustache.
Have fun with it
Whether you participate in No-Shave November for competition with friends, to prove your manliness, for the entertainment value or to push boundaries, the month creates a sense of community with others. Beards have been a major trend on campus, especially with the recent founding of the Biola Beardsmen. They also have proven health benefits, like protection from harmful UV rays. Heck, the organization Movember uses No-Shave November to bring awareness to prostate cancer and raise funds for cure research.
Like it or not, No-Shave November creates a strange, hairy sense of community on Biola’s campus. If you love it, relish in the month of facial hair and have fun with it. If you hate it, wait until December 1st.