As I kicked up construction dust driving away two weeks ago to begin my spring break, I couldn’t help but think of the way I had been woken up over the weeks prior. The sounds of jackhammers and other various power tools roused me from my cozy North Horton bed as early as 7 a.m. — much too early for someone who was up late working the night before.
Prior to break, I felt that this is crunch time of the semester — students need as much sleep as they can get and the noise of the construction is inhibiting this.
If we were in a part of the year when the middle of the day was nearly too hot to work I would understand the early start for the workers, but this is not the case. In residential neighborhoods, as well, early morning construction gathers a plethora of complaints from disturbed and valued citizens. Being that residence halls are places in which students pay to live and study, it is not that much different than a neighborhood of homeowners. On-campus students are required to follow the quiet hour rules until 8 a.m. These rules are enforced by not only resident assistants, but also resident directors. I felt that the construction crews should be held, at the least, to these same quiet hour rules.
Although I still feel this way, I have seen not seen or heard the same problems lately. But I have been bothered by another noise that has found its way to my ears and eyes: the noisy complaints by my classmates. The fact is, many of these complaints have not been about the noise, which is an understandable complaint, because that has been an actual problem that can be fixed. The complaints have turned to every other part of the construction. From the closed parking lots, to rerouted roads and loss of aesthetic beauty to upper campus, I sympathize with all of these views and have found myself bothered by these things.
As a campus, it is not our job to post on various social networking sites like the “Biola Confessions” page about qualms we have with the way our campus is run. If we have an issue with the way administration is running the school, there are various outlets we can take that will get somewhere and not make you look like a whining eight year old.
All the construction that is going on is for the growth of the university, plain and simple. Nobody is complaining now about Talbot East, or will complain when there are 120 more seats in the Caf.
I came back after spring break and looked at the construction not as an inconvenience, which it has been, but more as another way to have pride in the school. This small and temporary inconvenience will provide a much greater and more convenient situation in the future.
So yes, we have to look both ways when crossing a 15-foot street and have to walk on a certain side of a chain link fence when walking to upper campus. And yes, there are about 300 fewer parking spots. Also, side note, if the sign says no parking, don’t park there, you will get a ticket. Trust me.
Things for the next year or so will be a little noisier and a little more crowded and there will be less of the Southern California aesthetic beauty. But to the visitors of this great school it is progress and a sign that we are growing — and that is how we should view it too. As the construction noise increases, because it will, let’s have the complaining noise decrease because, honestly, it’s a little immature. We should be proud that our campus is moving forward — we are on the list of “Up and Coming Universities” after all.