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AS Senate Rundown: Feb. 28, 2013

The senate saw eight new proposals and debriefed the AS presidential vote.
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Photo courtesy of unknown

AS Presidential Vote Debrief

  • Junior Laura Cook, Associated Students vice president, began the senate meeting by asking the senators for feedback on Monday night’s emergency meeting, where senators broke the tie in the presidential election. John Back, dean of student development, visited to affirm AS’s decision and thanked them for following protocol and the guidelines laid out for them in the AS constitution.

They discussed the possibility of a constitutional change regarding voting regulations and what to do in the case of a tie. AS adviser Laura Igram-Edwards is working on assembling a committee to look at other universities and their voting practices.

Vice President of Events and Programming

  • There will be laser tag in Chase Gymnasium on Sunday from 11 p.m. – 1 a.m., said junior Jennifer Essig, vice president of events and programming. Students can sign up at a table at the Fireplace Pavilion from 7 p.m. – 8 p.m the night of the event, according to Essig. Students must sign up to claim one of the 240 slots available.

  • Ticket sales for Spring Banquet are online now. The link is live and will be advertised in the emailed AS newsletter, Essig said.


  • Thompson resident assistants senior Spencer Posey and junior Katelynn Morgan requested $700 to sponsor the semiannual Bluff BBQ.

“It’s a good time to bridge the gaps in between those buildings. …This is a time that everyone gets to come together,” Morgan said.

  • Senior Katie Routh, resident coordinator of the La Mirada apartments, and senior Julia Bates asked the senate for $500 – $1000 for an event that would take place after the senior banquet. The $500 gap in the proposed amount is due to the fact that Routh is unsure whether they can secure the Collegium as a venue. They want to provide a place for all graduating seniors and their guests to mingle.

  • Senior Jessica Carter, president of the Anthropology Guild, requested $920 to fund a celebration of the 10th anniversary of the discovery of the mammoth site behind Hope Hall.

The event is scheduled for 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. on April 19 and the funding would go to paying the Bon Appétit Management Company cost for food for a barbecue on the Hope Hall basketball courts, Carter said. During this time, the mammoth site will be open and students and the public will have the opportunity to see what of the mammoth has been excavated, according to Carter.

  • Junior David Vendrell requested $1400 to fund post-production costs for “Child of War,” an independent movie made by Biola students about a child soldier.

“We’re taking it a little bit farther than any humanitarian organization has before, dealing with more of the spiritual aspect,” Vendrell said, describing the 10-minute film.

Of the money Vendrell would receive from AS, $1000 would go to submitting the film to different film festivals, Vendrell said. The remaining $400 would cover the cost of having a screening on campus that would be open to the La Mirada community.

  • Seniors Lydia Dunham, Alex Kabelitz and Matt Little, and Dean Yamada, a professor in the cinema and media arts department, asked AS for $7,250 to finish production costs on Biola’s first student feature-length film, “Cicada.” The money would go to finishing the film, of which $6,700 would be used for color correction, according to Dunham. The remaining money would be used for screening the film and contest entry fees, Little said.   

  • Junior Olivia Hernandez requested $5,000 from the senators for the Biola Film Awards.

“We want to kick up the level of professionalism [with the CMA award ceremony],” Hernandez said.

The money would go toward funding decorations such as chandeliers and velvet for the walls of the gym, food and beverages.

  • Mosaic RA senior Kevin Kress, and sophomore Brock Hansen requested $3,755 to pay for decorations and refreshments at this year’s Mosaic Masquerade on Saturday, May 4 from 8 p.m. – 12 a.m.

Internal Proposals

  • Senior Jessica Jesudasen, CSA coordinator, asked the senators to approve a name change for her position as coordinator of CSA to community action coordinator. Along with the name change, she proposed a five-year lock on the name once it is changed because it may be confusing if the name of the position continually changes, according to Jesudasen.

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