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Athlete of the Week: senior Rebecca DeVere looks to cap off college basketball career strong

Senior point guard Rebecca DeVere has had a strong collegiate career and is looking to finish strong.
During the Feb 5 game against San Diego Christian College, Senior Becca Devere | John Buchanan/THE CHIMES
During the Feb 5 game against San Diego Christian College, Senior Becca Devere | John Buchanan/THE CHIMES
John Buchanan

Not all athletes can say they have dedicated all four of their collegiate years to one school. Graduating senior Rebecca DeVere, however, has been faithful to the Biola women's basketball team for the past four years.

Since entering Biola's campus in 2009, DeVere has witnessed a wide range of changes. This season, she was left to lead a young, talented team. Three key senior guards were lost to graduation, so DeVere had big shoes to fill for the 2012-2013 season.

“I think it’s been hard this season just because we lost three experienced players as guards,”  DeVere said. "We have great talent but I think their years of experience brought consistency. Being young has hurt us.”

Offensively and defensively strong

As the only starting senior, DeVere has successfully added an effective force both offensively and defensively. She leads her team with 135 assists and has helped the Eagles defensively with 153 rebounds. And Feb. 9 was the highlight of DeVere’s season when she was one assist short of a triple-double in an overtime game that upset Westmont College. That night, she also managed a career high of 15 rebounds.

Although the Eagles have sported a low .483 winning percentage, Devere expects her team to perform well in the upcoming Golden State Athletic Conference Tournament.

“I'm excited to play these last few games in GSAC,” DeVere said. “And I look forward to the tournament; I'm hopeful and know that we will be able to finish our season strong.”

Dealing with disappointment

In May 2011, assistant coach Bethany Miller was named head coach of the women's basketball team, after coach Ken Crawford announced his resignation from the program. For many players on the team, this resignation was a harsh disappointment.

“At the time, I was one of the girls that was really upset with coach Crawford leaving because I came to Biola partly because of him — because of who he was and the coach he was,” DeVere said. “He became someone that I really confided in and talked to a lot, so I was heartbroken when he decided to leave. I understood but I was also upset.”

Seeing growth despite challenges

Despite the changes in her collegiate career, and the frequent turnover of teammates, DeVere has seen growth through this on and off the court. She started like many athletes, working hard in order to gain more time on the court, but this season’s young team has formed her into a leader.

“These past years I've learned to form who I am, and see myself as more of a leader,” DeVere said.

DeVere will play her last GSAC regular season home game this Saturday against Westmont College. But regardless of this season's outcome, basketball is not a part of DeVere's plans in the future.

“I'll miss it, playing basketball and playing with my team. I plan on finishing my teaching credential, and I'm getting married in June so I have a lot of stuff going on,” DeVere said. “But I'm mostly ready to enjoy the rest of the time that I have playing this season.”

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