Biola annual fair provides ministry opportunities

The annual ministry fair took place Tuesday and Wednesday and featured a number of different ministries, including Brown Bag, California School Project and Revive.


Kristina Nishi and Kristina Nishi

Senior Sarah Comiskey shares information about Revive on Monday, Sept. 3. | Emily Arnold\THE CHIMES

Students flooded the walkway between the Caf and the Student Union Building for the annual the annual ministry fair that took place Tuesday and Wednesday. Information booths lined along the main walkway near the Fluor Fountain from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m.. Each table was decorated with different props that corresponded to the ministry that was represented. For example, the Social Justice Ministry had handcuffs on their table to signify the prison ministry, and Brown Bag had their name spelled out in brown lunch bags.

Various organizations showed up, including Apologia, Generation Her and Brown Bag. A couple of students were at each table, sharing about their ministries and handing out pamphlets.

With a vast selection of outreach opportunities, students are given ample options in order to find something in which they want to participate. Options for student service range from serving the homeless in Skid Row to going on a mission trip in Honduras.

"I think the ministry fair is pretty awesome,” said senior Christian ministries major Juni Kim. “It’s definitely a great chance for new and returning students to get informed and plugged into great ministries. It’s also perfect for anyone interested in investing in the diversity of communities outside Biola."

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