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AS Senate Rundown: May 8, 2012

AS senators heard three proposals at this week’s meeting, including one to restructure Social Board.

Same-day proposals

  • The senate heard a revised proposal from sophomore Jennifer Essig, current Spirit Board chair and future Associated Students vice president of programming and events, to restructure the Social Board next year.

    “This is a pretty significant structural change that someone has to work with for an entire year,” said senior Ryan Freudenburg, AS senior vice president. “I thought it was fair to let [Essig] take [the senate’s] feedback from last week and revise it.”

    Essig’s proposal includes the creation of a music and arts coordinator to split the number of duties due to the high number of events that Social Board put on this year. Additionally, the restructure will also include two paid staff for the new coordinator and four paid staff for the social events coordinator.

    A number of senators said residents were receptive to the idea and the proposal passed, meeting the two-thirds majority requirement for structural changes within AS.

  • Senators heard and approved a request from senior Ryan MacDonald, Religious Lecture chair, for $4,500 for the upcoming conference, “When God Seems Silent,” which will offer chapel credit and take place on May 8. MacDonald said $3,500 will be used to rent an LED wall and the remaining $1,000 will act as a buffer in the event the stage costs more than originally estimated. Any leftover cushion funds will roll back into contingency and the LED wall will allow all audience members to see the speaker.

  • A proposal from senior Hannah Mason, the Block senator, requested $300 to help fund a barbeque for the Block apartments that will take place on Friday, May 11. The funds will go toward food expenses, which the event’s budget does not entirely cover, Mason said. It was approved by all senators present.

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