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AS Senate Rundown: May 1, 2012

AS senators denied the request to restructure the social events department at this week’s meeting.

After motioning to extend the weekly meeting, the senate indefinitely tabled a proposal from sophomore Jennifer Essig, Spirit Board chair and future vice president of programming and events, who requested a restructure of the social events department next year. 

Essig requested dividing the current social events department into two entities for social events and music events. Additionally, Essig proposed to reallocate Social Board staff members into the two proposed divisions, in an effort to lessen the burden for Social Board staff and create more events.

Senior Amanda Tegtmeier, Social Board chair, argued that passing the proposal would actually result in a decrease of efficiency; she said Social Board events were best executed when the entire staff was involved.

“The person going out and the person coming in [to Social Board chair] both want it to stay the same,” said junior Christen Brown, Off-Campus Community senator. “It’s for the quality of the events, and they can work closely to learn from their mistakes.”

Because the proposal was a bylaw amendment, a two-thirds majority vote was required to pass it. Senators were unable to meet the requirement, so the proposal was indefinitely postponed.

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