AS Senators meet weekly on Tuesday to vote, discuss on pending proposals and its issues with finances. Here is an outlined summary of the most recent senate meeting, which was held March 18.
1. MacBook Contest giveaway- $2,200
i. Two Mac Books to Biola community from Biola Radio
2. Biola Spring Luau (dinner)-$3,250
i. May 8th at the Metzger lawn
ii. Over dozen students at the club
iii. Need financial help for catering, decorations, advertisement, performances
iv. To inform the audience with authentic multicultural experience of Hawaii through Hawaiian food and live performances.
v. Tickets estimated to be $5-$8 – the money will be used for Hawaii Club at the future
3. Alpha Improvements-$600
i. For the alpha lobby- combo mounted TV with a DVD player
ii. Floor lamps and fabric drapes, floor cushions for the prayer room
iii. more lighting in the study room
iv. A new vacuum, available check it out with Biola ID card from the RD’s room.
4. A.S Department of Religious and Academic Relations to be written into the A.S. Constitution with provision for an official department-$0
i. Need for an independent budget with a separate account number
ii. There will be opportunities to hire staff
iii. A more formal outline of the department’s purpose and structure
Do You See Orange? Week -$525, PASSED
VP of Finance Update: None
Spirit Board Announcements:
Idea: For the entire Biola Student body- Laser-tag on May 4th from 9:00 to midnight, tickets about $3.00 for 10 minutes
May 8th, Freshmen Banquet
Putting newspaper machine around the campus(NY times, Washington Post, LA times, Wallstreet journal )
Red Box: DVD vending machine, borrowing movie for a dollar
Minutes from each week’s senate meeting can be found on BUBBS in Conferences/ Sub Plaza/ Associated Student Gov’t/ Senate Minutes.