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AS Senate: Newspaper en español and a $5,000 Film Festival

The A.S. Senate held its weekly meeting this Tuesday.
The A.S. Senate held its weekly meeting this Tuesday.
Photo courtesy of Photo by Stock photo

At the AS Senate’s weekly Tuesday meetings senators give audience to parties requesting money, vote on pending proposals and discuss finances. Here is an outlined summary of the most recent senate meeting, which was held March 10

– NEW PROPOSALS English Guild Society(They voted to vote on and pass only this proposal today)

Social Justice Ministry–$525 (Christine, Alicia)

  • Will be conducted the week of April 7-11
  • People wear orange t-shirts that say "Orphan” on them
  • Order 175 t-shirts and recruit people to wear them this whole week. They will inform people about the crisis of HIV and orphans, and how we can help solve this problem
  • T-shirts $5 each, students pay $2 for the shirts
  • There’s 23 million people living in Africa with HIV, and last years AIDS claimed the lives of $1.8 million Africans
  • We will also have a 24-hour prayer room set up during the week, as well as a documentary to promote student awareness
  • A speaker of Anchors of Love will be coming

VOTING (on proposals from the previous week)

El Rincon ($3,000)—PASSED

  • Their first issue will come out very soon, but they don’t have enough money to publish three issues
  • However, they have enough stability to already get started

Chimes Office Improvements—PASSED for $540

  • It is important to properly archive the newspapers
  • Several senators don’t see how this is legitimate, because other student-run groups don’t propose ergonomics to AS. However, this is a proposal for basic office necessities
  • Archiving the newspapers isn’t URGENT—they’ve held off on this for ten years

New Computer—PASSED for $850 (unanimous)

Biola Bylaw Revision(New designer position)—PASSED

  • They won’t get more money because they added a new position

Biola Film Festival—PASSED for $5,000

  • The debate is: should AS fund a film festival every year? That would be setting a precedent

English Guild Society—PASSED for the full amount


Potential college leadership program on campus

  • Done through USA Today

  • They come on campus and set up stations that have USA Today and LA Times available. It’s a really cool thing for students to be knowledgeable about current events

  • We would do a four-week trial period, and it’s a fixed price based on this period

Administration denied the March Madness proposal

• The idea was to make March Madness a Biola wide thing and have a bracket manager who would manage it. People could pick different schools for a number of reasons. They’d have the 16th-20th to log on and get into the contest. Its easily promoted and regulated through Facebook.

  • It was compared to the Mocktail party, which “endorses that lifestyle”

  • It’s not gambling, but some Conservative parents may take offense to that

Minutes from each week’s senate meeting can be found on BUBBS in Conferences/ Sub Plaza/ Associated Student Gov’t/ Senate Minutes.

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