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Man Invades Horton Hall

A man confronted two female students at 4:15 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 26, as they came out of their bathroom on North Horton’s 2nd floor. T man described by witnesses as a 19-year-old, 5-foot-10-inch Hispanic man of approximately 145 pounds with an afro said that God opened the doors and let him onto the exclusively female floor.

Campus Safety did not answer requests to identify the man. He was escorted off campus and given a trespassing warning.

The man was immediately outside the bathroom door when the girls, sophomores Bethany Wikfors and Megan Gularte, exited.

“He was practically in our faces,” said Gularte, who said he greeted them and said, “Hey ladies, how’s your night going?”

Gularte and Wikfors immediately went to their room and called Campus Safety after they heard the sound of a guitar coming from the floor lobby. Several officers arrived to find the intruder sitting in the lobby playing the Resident Assistant’s guitar.

Sergeant Randy Richardson, who is specifically assigned to the Horton dorm, later said that the man showed signs of psychological illness. Campus Safety monitored his behavior before the sheriff arrived to escort him off of the campus. According to Richardson, the man had no outstanding warrants.

Richardson said Campus Safety has taken additional safety precautions since the incident occurred.

“What we’ve been doing the past couple of days is more patrols,” he said. “We are coming through the Horton halls four to five times a shift, and there are three shifts.”

Luckily he didn’t go into any rooms,” said Richardson, who briefed the residents of Horton 2nd North on the incident. Richardson expressed concern at the number of unlocked doors on the floor that night and warned the girls not to open the dorm doors for people they don’t know.

“Try not to put safety behind convenience,” said Richardson.

Richardson, who is also an instructor for the Rape Aggression Defense System (RADS) course for female Biola students, also encouraged the girls to take the course for their safety.

Gularte and Wikfors were very appreciative of the timely response of the Campus Safety officers. “[They were] really great. They showed up really fast and just took care of everything,” the girls said. Gularte and Wikfors said they are considering taking the RADS course.

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