Questions are a part of one's daily life, a source of personal growth, and today, an opportunity to receive a wise answer. Today's chapel was unique in that Dr. Erik Thoennes invited the Biola student body to approach one of two microphones and ask any question that they may be struggling with. Many questions were asked, ideas were challenged, and chapel ended with an encouragement. Dr. Thoennes challenged every student to not be afraid of questions, and encouraged them to instead eagerly seek answers. As the week progresses, let questions be continually stirring, so that the answers can be attained. Check out the photo gallery for a closer look at the day.
Wednesday Chapel Opens Michrophones
January 30, 2008

In a unique wednesday chapel, students were given the chance to approach microphones and ask questions of both Dr. Erik Thoennes and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff, Biola University professors.
Photo courtesy of Photo by Kelsey Heng