Senate rundown: senators approach many proposals

Biola’s AS senators were presented with many proposals March 1, that they now need to consider for voting.

Senators have a tough week ahead as they consider the many pending proposals brought to them in Tuesday’s meeting.

Torrey requests money for trip to LA

Stephanie McCurley requested $1,000 for Urban Plunge, a ministry offered through Torrey. The ministry allows students to experience downtown Los Angeles via exploration and interaction with the city. The money funded by Associated Students would go toward housing, meals and adding another trip to the three planned for this semester.

“We are teaching the students to have a respect for the city before they just come in and attempt to fix it,” said McCurley.

Proposal for Asian-American youth worship

A proposal for Gloria Worship Night was made by Brian Hong. This event will consist of worship, prayer, sermon and a skit and is for Asian-American youth from both Biola and the surrounding areas. The event is scheduled for April 6, from 2:30-6:00 p.m. in Chase and will address the idea that, without God, mankind’s existence on earth is unfulfilling. Hong stated that the event would have two main goals: “to have a revival for the students and be able to serve them, and… to bring outside students.” Hong requested $1,800 to be used towards a speaker, food, equipment, advertising, shirts, and a design fee.

Students request support for multimedia showcase

Senior Joshua Watson, a journalism student, asked for $1,576 to be used towards an Iraq Veteran Screening that would showcase the work of journalism students. Portraits of veterans would be hung on the walls, and audio clips of interviews would play in turn.

Watson hopes that it will provide a creative way to combine the journalism and art departments. There are four students from various majors currently collaborating on the project and they are receiving no funding from the journalism department.

Band proposes for concert

“My Double, My Brother” has released a new album, and proposed AS fund their album release concert on March 12, from 7:00-10:00 p.m. at the Hope Amphitheatre. Steven Haddadian requested $800 to facilitate the needs of staging, lights, sound and promotions. They are also planning on having Biola students feature their artwork.

Radio show requests money to produce

AS has contributed three times in the past to producing the live radio show “The Sandbox,” and host Barak Wright asked that they repeat this practice. The show is similar to NPR’s “This American Life.” If AS funded the $1,316 requested, the radio show has been recorded twice from Biola. Wright said he believes that “The Sandbox” is a good way to connect students with outside sources in the professional media industry.

“This sort of program allows students to attend or contribute,” Wright said, explaining that student musicians have the opportunity to play in the background. “There is a spirit of missions here at Biola.”

All Hall proposal passes

Last weeks’ Hope All Hall Proposal was passed, however the senate decided to fund $200 for the event rather than the full $470 requested.

MarCom to be restructured

A structural change will be piloted within AS after senators approved the AS Marketing and Communications Reinvent. If the structural enhancements are a success, future senators will vote on changing the AS Constitution to ensure that the structural change becomes a permanent part of AS.

Neely proposes senator shift and amendment

Lizzie Neely, AS President, proposed both senator redistribution and an amendment to the AS Constitution. The change in the amendment would take away a Sigma senator and replace the senate position with a new commuter senator. There are nearly 1,000 more commuter students than there are Sigma residents, yet both groups have equal representation in the senate. Neely said that it is a “glaring underrepresentation and we’d like to see that changed.”

“It doesn’t say anything less of Sigma. We just looked up the numbers and it doesn’t even align with the constitution,” said Neely.

Senators discussed whether or not off-campus students need more adequate representation because many of them are upper classmen who are not as interested in student activities. Joel Farbman, commuter senator, pointed out that there are many freshmen and sophomores living off-campus who would participate if they were better plugged into the campus.

Open Forum covers DTR week

DTR week was the main topic during the Open Forum discussion as senators shared the feedback they had received from students. Unanimously, they agreed that students disliked the title “Determine The Relationship” because it holds negative connotations, while senators also had negative comments from students who attended the sex talk chapel.

Also up for discussion were the fans handed out by UCM, University Communications and Marketing, informing students that the DBC had over 5,000 Facebook fans. On the whole, students thought that this was a waste of money, said Sigma senator Kris Yee.

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Senate rundown: senators approach many proposals