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Biola bike club catching on [Exclusive]

Biola students are pedaling away their Saturday nights with biking, food, and community at the newest campus club.
One of the newer clubs on campus is a bike riding group that meets every other Saturday. BRAD MIERSMA/ The Chimes
One of the newer clubs on campus is a bike riding group that meets every other Saturday. BRAD MIERSMA/ The Chimes

Biola students are pedaling away their Saturday nights with biking, food, and community at the newest campus club.

Every Saturday night, a group of Biola students gathers on bikes and pedals their way across campus. This adventurous and fun-loving community of bikers knows that a chill ride across town is exactly the way to relieve the tensions of school. They even schedule stops for snacks and play games along the way.

Junior Johnny Vanderwell, president of Community Bike Rides (CBR), administers the Facebook group which has close to 200 members. Vanderwell started the club with his friend, junior Stephen Diaz, over a year ago when they first started riding together an hour or two a day during interterm. They decided to start a cycling club and invite more people to join them on their excursions about town.

Club develops community

“It’s a great way to meet new people,” Vanderwell said. “If you begin the night not knowing anyone, then you will once it’s over.”

The atmosphere is very relaxed, everyone has a good time. They make jokes, yell at each other across the street, and play games like “bike polo” and “footdown” while cruising.

Talking about how their clubs differs from other clubs on campus, Diaz said, “They can come for food and stay for community.”

Free food often involved

The group has an average of 24 riders who show up every other Saturday night at 9 p.m. The record so far is 26 people. “If we break our record next Saturday, then we will have free food for everyone!” Vanderwell promised.

With occasional stops at In-N-Out, CVS, or Yum Yum Donuts, the food alone makes the club tempting enough to join. In order to begin the night with a plan, the destination is pre-decided on Facebook, where all club members pitch ideas for break and food stops.

“We’re the best club. We get to go off campus, and often give out free food,” said Vanderwell.

The club hopes to use AS funds to treat its members as often as they can.

All bikes and bikers welcomed

The club is not limited to serious cyclists, as even occasional cyclists come out and join in on the ride.

“I get really excited because I don’t bike very often, so it’s a good excuse to get out on my bike and everyone is very friendly” said Diaz.

“Its for any type of bikes, not just fixed gears, said Vanderwell. “Cruisers are allowed, everyone and every type of bike is welcome.”

“Our most memorable ride would be when we went to Yum Yum Donuts, Vanderwell remembered. “We went there for our first ride, it has a sweet spot in our heart.” The club also has themed rides planned in the near future, such as the “cape ride,” where – as expected – all riders will wear a cape.

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