Joe the Bro runs your relationship

In the final installment of the dating series, Fier covers “Joe the Bro.”

Matthew Fier, Writer

This week I will be wrapping up my five part series on relationships and dating.
Finally, this week we will be touching on “Joe the Bro.”

There is that old movie idiom that great girls fall for jerks. Girls, don’t do it. Let’s unwind this and tackle it together.

Meet Joe the Bro

Joe the Bro is “that guy.” He’s bossy, demanding, and controlling. He runs a relationship like a CEO. There’s little grace, very little humility, and more than likely, he gives in order to get something in return.

These guys come in different facets, but one of the more popular kind falls under the “Napoleon Complex” or “Little Man” syndrome. They like to be in the gym 24/7, flexing in front of mirrors, or pumping loud music out of their car to get noticed.

Girls seem to fall for these kinds of guys because Joes tend to be players, saying the right things to get the prize, whatever it may be, and appear to know how to lead a relationship which is safe to say, girls desire innately.

For some reason, girls cast a blind eye to the negative– it always seems like they are stuck in the relationship without a way to redeem it or get out.

The relationship cycle

I see, and many others may affirm this as well, that the relationship goes in circles. It is the lovey-dovey couple. The one that at first appears to fall madly in love, they show way too much affection in public, they practically advertise their relationship on Facebook, but also get in fights in the dorm courtyard at 2 a.m.

They go in emotional circles– kiss, fight, break-up, make-up, make-out, reestablish the relationship status on Facebook…rinse and repeat.

Girls, does any of this ring a bell? Have you lowered your standards of self to be with this guy? Does he say abusive things about the way you look, your intellect, or what you say?

If he is all over you in public, how much worse is it behind closed doors or in the backseat of his car? Does he tell you who you can and cannot be with, what to wear, and whom he doesn’t want you talking to?

Speaking to the guys

Guys, do you do the things I just listed? If you are getting angry with me reading this, then you probably fit the stereotype. She may not see through you, but others can. You are a joke. Your high school football days are over. It is time to put on the big guy pants and learn what it really means to be a man– it is not what you think it is.

I am not a perfect person. I have fallen under each and every single negative personality I have written about. It is still a battle to learn and grow up every single day. It is a battle I won’t leave until I learn what it means to be a godly man, someone who deserves a godly woman.

Guys, let’s grow up together. Let’s put down the weights and realize it’s ok to go beyond skin-deep with each other. Stop with the “that’s what she said” jokes, perverted slang, and women gawking, and let’s learn how to be men.

A word for girls

Girls, challenge each other to figure out what a higher, godly standard really is. Don’t settle for the jerk, the child, or the vanity-filled monster. You are not a dog to be kicked around, a mom to raise him, or a trophy girl.

Growing together

Together, let’s rise against the culture– let’s help each other learn our weaknesses. Guys man up and tell a girl when she is causing you to stumble. Girls, stand firm and tell a guy when he is playing with your heart.

We can’t do this alone, nor are we called to as Paul put in 1 Corinthians 12, to realize the importance of our roles in the body of Christ. Let us run the race with endurance. Biola…let’s do this: together.

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