Starting a healthy year

Health and fitness columnist Kristi Peterson provides some advice on how to maintain that summer body into the school year.

Kristi Peterson, Writer

The summer holiday is over and school is now back in session, but that does not mean that we have to let the summer body disappear with the season. There are many things that can be done to maintain a healthy physique. Though not everyone can look like Taylor Lautner from the recently released movie “Eclipse,” aiming to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle should be implemented into everyone’s daily life.

With classes ranging from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., it is often difficult to find time to get into a regular workout routine. Working out is a key component to staying healthy and fit, but it is not the only element. Eating well is a simple way to remain healthy and at a good body weight.

One way to stay accountable for what you eat is to look at a food chart. You can find them online, as well as on sides of cereal boxes and other boxed foods. Balancing the amount of food you consume from each nutrition category helps you receive the nutrients you need to sustain yourself. Portion control is another way to maintain a proper eating style. Eating sweets is often frowned upon, but if controlled, sugars are perfectly acceptable. Who does not enjoy cookies or ice cream or candy? Just make sure you are making smart decisions about how much you consume.

Yes, the summer is over, but the new school year has begun! Take time to look at the way you are feeling and the way you are eating. Then, evaluate how you can implement simple guidelines to stay healthy throughout the year. Your body is a temple of God and should be treated as such–– being healthy is a form of worship. So let us worship together and take care of the temple that God has given us.

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